Terry Beatley, President & Founder

Wife. Mother of two adult daughters. Catholic. Author. Prolife activist. Patriot. Educator.

After working 14 years in investment management and serving as Director of Virginia’s Parental Rights, Terry’s tenacity and determination channeled into prolife activism after a divinely inspired meeting with Bernard N. Nathanson, MD on December 1, 2009. Known as the Father of America’s industry of abortion, Dr. Nathanson was ill with cancer when Terry interviewed him in Manhattan and was commissioned to bring his parting message to the nation.

She founded Hosea Initiative in 2011, a grassroots organization dedicated to “Teach the Strategy of how [Dr. Nathanson] deceived America,” as a powerful tool to crack the abortion code and restore a culture of Life. In 2016, Terry released What If We’ve Been Wrong? Keeping My Promise to America’s Abortion King, which details the first seven years fulfilling her promise.

Terry loves the Author of Life; has a passion for history and Truth; envisions an END to abortion. She enjoys time on the river with Kenny, her husband of 37 years, rarely watches TV; hardly ever knows what the current fashion is; and admires women with pretty nails — which she never has.

Clare Ruff, VP for Events &Outreach

Daughter of the King. Wife. Mother of 5. Strategist. Writer. Prolife Apologist.

Clare studied International Business at UT Austin for 3 years before earning a BA in Theology and Philosophy at University of St. Thomas in Houston, TX. She worked 35 years in youth and adult faith formation.

October 2017, Clare met Terry Beatley in La Crosse, WI and was invited to construct a business model for a budding non-profit named Hosea Initiative and scribe a counter to NARAL’s Catholic Strategy to direct the energies of Hosea’s prolife outreach. She writes and creates from her home in La Crescent, MN.    

Married for 35 years to author Christopher Ruff, Clare is blessed with 5 adult children and 3 adorable grandchildren. Her passion is to awaken courage in God’s people, so the Light of Christ may transform the world with Gospel values.

Board of Directors

Andrea DelVecchio

Julian B. Heron, Esq.